by admin | Aug 3, 2019 | Anxiety, Autism, Brain and Behavior, Children and Teens, Depression, General, LifeHelper, Memory and Perception, Mental Health and Wellness, Parenting, Professional, Psychology, Research, Social Psychology, Students
The evidence is clear that couples are waiting to have children at a later age. While some studies suggest a link between a father’s age and a mental health diagnosis among offspring, a new Dutch study considered the behavioral problems of children born to older...
by admin | Aug 1, 2019 | Anxiety, Autism, Brain and Behavior, Children and Teens, Depression, Environment, General, LifeHelper, Memory and Perception, Mental Health and Wellness, Parenting, Professional, Psychology, Research, Social Psychology, Stress
New research finds a mother of a young autistic child can reduce parenting stress and depression by improving their relationship with the child. Investigators from Case Western Reserve University examined the effects of this technique in a small experimental research...
by admin | Jul 19, 2019 | Anxiety Disorder, Assessment and Diagnosis, Autism, Brain and Behavior, Childhood, Children and Teens, Mental Health and Wellness, Neuropsychology and Neurology, Psychiatry, Research, Tics, Tourette Syndrome
Around 20 percent of kids will develop one or more compulsive tics in their childhood, such as excessive blinking, throat clearing, or shrugging, at some point during childhood. Yet far fewer (only around 3 percent) go on to develop a chronic tic disorder, such as...
by admin | Jul 5, 2019 | Adulthood, Advocacy and Policy, Autism, Children and Teens, driving, General, independence, Learning, Life skills, LifeHelper, Parenting, Psychology, Research
When parents of autistic teens prioritize independence, it can significantly help prepare their children for driving, according to a new study published in the journal Autism in Adulthood. The study, compiled by researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia...