by admin | Jun 26, 2024 | men, Mental Health, Mental Health and Wellness
Men’s mental health, encompassing issues like depression, is a vital yet often overlooked subject. Despite its prevalence, societal expectations and stigma surrounding mental illness prevent many men from seeking the support they need. Recognizing the unique...
by Emily DuBach, LPC, ATR | Jun 22, 2023 | Adolescents, Mental Health, Support, Teenagers, Teens, Young Adulthood
According to Erik Erikson (1994), the psychological developmental stage during adolescence is Identity vs. Role Confusion (ages 12-18). This is when this age group is becoming preoccupied with themselves and their bodies changing. This is also when they want to...
by Abby Koch | May 4, 2023 | Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Mental Health, Mental Health Treatment, Schizophrenia
While many people focus on their physical well-being, the food they eat, exercise, and getting regular check-ups for vision and dental care, they often forget to take stock of their emotional and spiritual needs. Everyday demands can take their toll, and looking after...
by Abby Koch | Oct 17, 2022 | Mental Health, Mental Health Treatment
Mental health screening is an exam of your emotional health to determine the presence of symptoms of any mental health disorder. The test results are used to diagnose the type of mental health disorder and the proper course of treatment. Here are the most common...
by Abby Koch | Jan 18, 2022 | Adolescents, Mental Health, Teens
Parents know to take their children to the pediatrician for physical checkups, but your teen’s mental health is as important as physical well-being. A child’s teenage years can seem stressful. Teenagers enter high school, where they must make new friends....
by Abby Koch | Nov 15, 2021 | Anxiety, Anxiety Disorder, Behavior, Depression, Emotions, Mental Health, Sleep
While the cooler temperatures and shorter days of fall and winter mean relief from summer heat and sun, they can, for some people, bring mood changes. These changes may take the form of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that occurs during...