Parents Don’t Have to Be Perfect, Just ‘Good Enough’

New research finds that parents need only “get it right” 50 percent of the time when responding to babies’ need for attachment to have a positive impact on a baby. For the new study, Dr. Susan S. Woodhouse, an associate professor of counseling psychology at Lehigh...

Depression May Lead to Cardiovascular Issues

New research suggests everyday stress may play a significant role in overall health among adults with depression. A team of investigators from Penn State found an association between daily stress and cardiovascular issues in people with depression who are otherwise...

Older Adults: Anger More Harmful to Health than Sadness

New research finds that anger may harm an older person’s physical health by increasing inflammation. Inflammation is associated with such chronic illnesses as heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. However, investigators discovered not all negative emotions are...

Interpersonal Relations: Opposites Can Make Rewarding Decisions

New research related to interpersonal relations confirms that while opposites may attract and drive each other a little crazy, oppositional viewpoints may be overcome with unique decision-making compromises that allow each party to be satisfied with joint decisions....

Goal Persistence Tied to Reduced Anxiety and Depression

Those who exhibit goal persistence and maintain a positive outlook on life tend to have less anxiety and depression over time, according to a new study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. “Perseverance cultivates a sense of purposefulness that can create...