Everyone experiences anxiety sometimes. But when anxiety feels extreme and gets in the way of your daily life, this might indicate an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States. So if you’re feeling concerned about your anxiety, know that you’re not alone and there are coping methods for anxiety.

In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)Trusted Source estimates that almost one-third of U.S. adults will have an anxiety disorder during their lifetimes.

While anxiety can feel overwhelming at times, there are many ways to cope. With the right tools, you can manage your anxiety and start feeling less anxious.

Working out what’s best for you can involve some trial and error. It’s important to go at your own pace and do what feels comfortable. Then, keep doing what feels helpful for you.

You can’t always predict when anxiety or a panic attack is going to occur, but making a plan of what to do can help you feel more in control. This can make it easier to manage.

Many people find that relaxation methods are a powerful tool for soothing anxiety. These include:

  • Deep breathing exercises. Take a few deep breaths in and out, focusing on each breath. This makes you feel more grounded and in control of your body. Deep breathing can soothe the body’s stress response.
  • Mindfulness meditation. When you feel anxious, mindfulness can create calm and give you some breathing space. Practicing mindfulness regularly, even when you’re not feeling anxious, can provide you with the tools to bring your anxiety under control when it does arise.

Exercising regularly can also be a really helpful way to manage anxiety. If this feels difficult, try starting out gently by taking a walk, or standing up and stretching for a few minutes.

Movement and activity generate endorphins, which are our feel-good hormones. These hormones boost your mood and reduce anxiety.

For some people, caffeine and certain medications can produce anxiety symptoms or make their symptoms worse. In these cases, limiting caffeine and alcohol can help reduce anxiety.

Anxiety can sometimes make people feel alone or cut off from their surroundings, but anxiety disorders are more common than many people realize.

If this sounds like the situation you or someone you care about is confronting, please get in touch with Good Therapy’s team of licensed professional counselors and therapists today at 630-473-3971.